International Conference, "Transnational Humanities: Challenges and Prospects"
Nov. 30(Thu) - Dec. 2(Sat), 2017
College of Humanities Room 205, International Building Conference Room (6F)
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Organized by Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University
한양대학교 비교역사문화연구소 국제학술회의 <트랜스내셔널 인문학: 도전과 전망>
2017년 11월 30일(목)-12월 2일(토)
한양대 인문대학 205호 국제회의실, 국제관 6층 화상회의실
*한-영 동시통역 제공
November 30(Thu) 11월 30일(목)
College of Humanities Room 205
인문대 205호 국제회의실
Opening Remarks 개회사
Chan Seung Park 박찬승 (Director, Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소 소장)
Welcoming Address 환영사
Kyeong-Seok Seo 서경석 (Dean, College of Humanities, Hanyang University 한양대 인문과학대학 학장)
[Transnational History and Culture: Conceptual Reflections]
New Worlds across Frontiers: Creating Utopian Space in East Asia and Beyond
Tessa Morris-Suzuki 테사 모리스 스즈키 (School of Culture, History & Language, Australian National University 호주국립대 문화역사언어학부)
“Colonial Modern” and East Asia
Hae-Dong Yun 윤해동 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
Commentators 토론
Michael Kim 마이클 김 (Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University 연세대 국제학대학원)
In-gap Jeon 전인갑 (Department of History, Sogang University 서강대 사학과)
December 1(Fri) 12월 1일(금)
College of Humanities Room 205
인문대 205호 국제회의실
[Space, Culture, and the Postcolonial]
Tasting Conflict: Eating, Radical Hospitality and “Enemy” Cuisine
Anita Mannur 아니타 매너 (Department of English, Miami University 마이애미대 영어학과)
Where You Are From, Where You Are Going: Asian American Critique of U.S. Spatial Imagination
Seongho Yoon 윤성호 (Department of English Language and Literature, Hanyang University 한양대 영어영문학과)
Commentator 토론
Hyungseob Lee 이형섭 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
The Prospects of Being a Transnational in the Works of E. S. Özdamar
Changnam Lee 이창남 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
The Desire for Global City: Nam June Paik, Mega-Events and the Spectacle of Cosmopolitanism
Jaeho Kang 강재호 (Department of History of Art and Archaeology, SOAS, University of London 런던대 고고학 및 미술사학과)
Commentators 토론
Yoo Jung Jeon 전유정 (Sookmyung Women’s University 숙명여대)
Nam-See Kim 김남시 (College of Art & Design, Ewha Womans University 이화여대 조형예술학부 )
[Modernization and Development in Transnational Perspectives (1)]
Transnationalising the TVA: International River Development in the Indus and Mekong
Vincent Lagendijk 빈센트 라헨데이크 (Department of History, Maastricht University 마스트리흐트대 역사학과)
Making East Asia: The Cold War, American Foundations and the Birth of Area Studies
Kyunghwan Oh 오경환 (Department of History, Sungshin Women’s University 성신여대 사학과)
Commentator 토론
Hyungsub Choi 최형섭 (School of Liberal Arts, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 서울과학기술대 기초교육학부 )
December 2(Sat) 12월 2일(토)
International Building Conference Room (6F)
국제관 6층 화상회의실
[Modernization and Development in Transnational Perspectives (2)]
Developmentalism in Northeast Asia: Cross-National and Comparative Perspectives
Jongtae Kim 김종태 (Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University 고려대 아세아문제연구소)
Modernization and Its Critics: South Korean Progressive Church Groups and the Discourse of “Humanization,” 1960s–1970s
Sang-Hyun Kim 김상현 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
Commentator 토론
Sang-rok Lee 이상록 (National Institute of Korean History 국사편찬위원회)
[Gender, Sexuality, and (Trans)Nationality]
Neuropsychiatry as Area Studies: Han Tong-se (1930-1973) and the Diagnostics of Gender/Sexual “Deviance” in Cold War South Korea
Todd A. Henry 토드 헨리 (Department of History, University of California-San Diego 캘리포니아대 샌디에이고 역사학과)
Making Healthy Soldiers (and Prostitutes): The Gender/Bio Politics of STD Control by U.S. Forces in South Korea
Jeong-Mi Park 박정미 (Department of Sociology, Chungbuk National University 충북대 사회학과)
Commentator 토론
Chung-kang Kim 김청강 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
Politics of Difference: Gender and Sexuality in North Korea in Comparative Perspective
Suzy Kim 수지 김 (Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers University 럿거스대 아시아언어문화학과)
Family System in Colonial Korea and the Two Faces of “Chokpo”
Yang Hee Hong 홍양희 (Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture, Hanyang University 한양대 비교역사문화연구소)
Commentator 토론
Eunkyung Kim 김은경 (Research Institute of Asian Women, Sookmyung Women’s University 숙명여대 아시아여성연구소)
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks 종합 정리 및 폐회사